
Page Layouts

What we usually see when we log in to Salesforce for the first time is just the start. We can personalize and customize many things on a given record page of using page layouts.

We can customize a page in two different ways in Lightning Experience. We can modify the layout of a page, or customize its contents. Separate tools are used for this process.
The collection of Lightning components arranged in sections on the Lightning page. With Lightning App Builder, We can personalize the structure of the page and the position of its components.

We can customize components of a page, like fields and buttons that appear on the page, by using a different functionality called the page layout editor. The page layout functionality in the object manager in Salesforce helps to manage the content of pages in both our Lightning Experience and in Classic UI.

These are the following things we can do with the page layout editor:

  • Control what are the fields, lists of related records, and custom links users see
  • Modify the order of the fields that appear in the page details
  • It manages whether fields are visible, read-only, or required
  • Control the different buttons like standard and custom buttons appear on records and related lists
  • Control which quick actions are visible on the page

There are two separate portions of the page layout editor: (1) Features on the upper portion of the screen and (2) the record’s page layout on the downside of the screen. The features have basic components—such as fields, actions, buttons, links, and related lists—that we can add and arrange on our page. We can think of the upper portion as the buffet table and the lower portion as the plate of food you’re assembling.

Here is the following page layout editor for a lead object:


salesforce image


These are the following different elements of page layout that are supported in Lightning Experience.

  • Actions—Actions are visible or available in various places, such as the highlights panel, Activity tab, and the Chatter tab. The actions are created and placed from the list of actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section of the page layout. Some actions are not supported in Lightning Experience.
  • Blank Spaces—We can add Blank spaces and it is supported in Lightning Experience.
  • Canvas Apps—Lightning Experience supports the Canvas app also.
  • Custom Links—We can create custom links and Custom links display under the Details tab.
  • Fields—Fields also display under the Details tab. We can remove or reorder fields on a page layout only via the page layout editor. The top to down tab key order allows users to see a record detail page to move through a column of fields from top to bottom before moving focus to the top of the next column of fields is not supported in Lightning Experience. Even if we customize the page layout for a top-down tab-key order, tabbing moves from left to right through field columns in Lightning Experience.
  • Related Lists—Related lists are also available as Lightning components in Lightning Experience. Lightning Experience does not support all related lists. In Lightning Experience, the related list type defines how many fields are displayed in a related list. The first four fields of a related list display as basic related list type. We can show maximum fields up to 10 in Enhanced List type, we can resize and sort columns, perform mass actions, and wrap text. We have to customize the related list component in the Lightning App Builder to change the related list type.
  • Report Charts—Report charts which we can add to a page layout appear under the Details tab in Lightning Experience. When we add a report chart to a page layout, it can take a few moments before the chart appears on Lightning record pages.
  • Sections—Under the Details tab, sections also appear along with fields. The Detail Page visibility setting can control whether the section header appears for both the edit page and the detail page. We can set the section header to display (or hide) on the detail page and to display (or hide) on the edit page.
  • Standard and Custom Buttons—Standard and custom buttons work similarly as actions in Lightning Experience, just like in the Salesforce app. Lightning Experience does not support custom buttons that call JavaScript.
  • Visualforce Pages—Visualforce pages which we can add to the page layout appear under the Details tab. For Lightning Experience, Lightning Communities, and the mobile app-enabled display the Visualforce page in Lightning Experience on utility bars, Lightning pages, and the Salesforce app.

Well Done! Now that we are pretty much familiar with the page layout editor and the page layouts, so now we can start creating layouts that give our users just what they need.


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Author:  Rohit Kumawat

Salesforce Trainer

IT Education Centre Placement & Training Institute

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